A couple of days ago, our class had the chance to hear from 2 recently graduated students at George brown college. I think listening to a person who was in your place once can be extremely helpful for planning the future of a career.
Our first presenter was Danielle Humilde, a 24-year-old girl who graduated from George Brown College one year ago.
I learned a lot from her. One of the most important things I learned from her was the impact of other humanities, such as political science, on marketing; in fact, knowing people as a community can significantly affect the choice of the target audience.
When I found out that she had studied political science before digital marketing, I wanted to ask her a question, which she answered in the speech.
Not being afraid to start my job as an employer was another lesson, I learned from her. We do not always need to wait for an agency to hire us; it is clever to look for opportunities directly.

We do not always have to look for big names to work with; considering the opportunities created by small companies can lead to significant opportunities.
Considering what the employer wants from us is a tremendous help in a job interview. Also, considering the client's budget and wishes plays a key role in planning to advance client marketing goals. So, from now on, I will start researching more about the company I am interviewing for a potential job, and I will also stop considering only big companies as a job opportunity.
Also, using all the people we have worked with before and staying in touch with them can lead to more job opportunities. I see this as one of the benefits of networking that I learned from her.
We also had another graduate as a speaker. His name was Aadhar Mehta. Without exaggeration, I think one of the most important things I learned from him was confidence. 😊 He was a recent college student who had just graduated and was confident. He was a doer, and he did what he wanted in any way possible. He placed a lot of emphasis on active participation in the Marketing community, and in his opinion, using LinkedIn for this purpose was particularly important. He also mentioned finding a job opportunity with a

good profile on LinkedIn without even looking around. And this was another lesson I learned from the speakers that day: updating your profile and being active on LinkedIn can play a role in building a network of collaborators.
Finally, the theme that both speakers emphasized was having a plan for the day. Both speakers pointed out that having many customers and a lot of work is possible only with regular and daily planning. How Daniella did all this was another question I had asked by one of my classmates.
last words:
This is the last e-journal I'm writing, and I would like to thank Professor Wendy for inviting all the speakers. The impact of learning from those in the marketing community is undeniable to me personally.
Thank you, Wendy, for all your hard work.