s properties for the body, sunlight can be very harmful. In general, the sun is the main enemy of the skin and causes blemishes. Sun contact with the skin over time causes wrinkles on the skin and aging. The harms of the sun's rays are due to the harmful ultraviolet rays that can have the following effects on the skin:

1. Alteration of blood vessels due to sunlight
Harmful ultraviolet rays can thin the blood vessels. As the blood vessels become thinner, the skin is easily bruised by a simple blow, and the blood vessels under the skin are easily damaged due to their thinness, resulting in bruising. Creates on the skin.
2. Changing skin texture
The sun's ultraviolet rays can make the skin thinner or thicker. The rays cause premature aging and cause wrinkles on the skin. Very deep wrinkles are created that do not disappear even when pulled.
It also thins the skin, which easily causes blood clots and wrinkles.
3. Skin discoloration
One of the most important and common effects of ultraviolet rays on the skin is the formation of dark skin spots. These spots are much more common in white people.
Freckles form on the skin when melanin, or skin pigment, is destroyed. These spots usually form on the back of the hands, shoulders, arms, and chest. These spots are liver spots or age spots. Some people think that these spots are caused by aging, but this is not the case. These spots are caused by sunlight.
4. Skin cancer
One of the most common harms of ultraviolet rays is skin cancer. The higher the number of UV rays and the longer the time it takes to radiate, the more likely you are to get skin cancer. The most common skin cancer is called melanoma.
5. Creation of skin bumps
Ultraviolet rays can cause moles. Sunlight also causes precancerous lesions called actinic keratosis on the skin, especially on the face, corners, and backs of the hands, which later become cancerous.
UV radiation also causes a complication called seborrheic keratosis on the skin, which is similar to warts, but unlike actinic keratosis does not cause cancer.
Types of skin cancer
There are three different types of skin cancer that affect millions of people each year, one of the main causes of skin cancer is the sun's harmful rays. These types of skin cancer are:

Occurs in parts of the body that are exposed to the sun. This type of cancer, if diagnosed and treated early, rarely spreads to other parts of the body.
It is a skin cancer that grows slowly and can spread to tissues, bones, and lymph nodes, where it is difficult to fight. However, it is treatable.
It can appear anywhere on the body and is the fastest-growing form of skin cancer. It can reach the subcutaneous tissue, lymph nodes, lungs, liver, bone, or brain through the lymphatic system, blood vessels, or both.
If melanoma is diagnosed early, it is usually treated. However, it can be fatal if it spreads to other parts of the body.
